At Palace Pools, our commitment extends beyond repairs. We offer full-scale upgrades and replacements to keep your pool at the forefront of technology. Our skilled technicians are dedicated to transforming your pool into a haven of relaxation and enjoyment. Contact us today for service that goes above and beyond. Your pool deserves the best, and so do you. 

Our Comprehensive Services: 

  • Pump Motor Replacements: Witness the efficiency of a strong heartbeat for your pool. Our expert pump motor replacements ensure optimal circulation and performance. 
  • Automation Upgrades: Elevate your pool experience with cutting-edge automation. Enjoy seamless control and customization of your pool’s functions at your fingertips. 
  • Heaters and Heat Pumps: Stay comfortable in every season. Our services include top-tier heaters and heat pumps, maintaining your pool at the perfect temperature year-round. 
  • Full Equipment Upgrades and Replacements: Experience the latest in pool technology. We offer comprehensive upgrades and replacements for all your pool equipment, ensuring it meets the highest standards of performance. 
  • Full Diagnostic Testing: Trust our thorough diagnostic testing to identify and resolve any issues with your pool equipment swiftly. We leave no stone unturned, ensuring your pool operates at peak efficiency.